I have a cer file which i want to use with my glassfish, what should I do?
Indeed i tried and import it into keystore and give it an alias name,
then i used the same alias name in "Certificate NickName" attribute but
when i restart the server it said the "serverkey" which was my alias
name was not found.
can you give me some hint?
Shing Wai Chan wrote:
> It is used to choose the certificate to used as server cert when there
> are multiple private keys in keystores.
> Shing Wai Chan
> legolas wrote:
>> Hi
>> Thank you for reading my post.
>> can some one tell me what is use of "Certificate NickName" in
>> Configuration> HTTP Service> HTTP Listeners> http-listener-1 and how
>> i can
>> use it?
>> I tried and give it some value but next time my application server
>> does not
>> start.
>> can some one please explain its usage?
>> Thanks
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