Re: Questionsa about having more than one MQ for one glassfish

From: <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 00:59:35 PDT

> Thank you very much for reply.
> By your reply and my research i understand that we can have multiple
> broker for one instance of Open MQ, this brokers facilitate
> communication of our connection factories and .. with real Open MQ instance.
> Also I deduced that if we use Local integration mode we can achieve
> better performance because application server and MQ are in two separate
> process, is it correct?

you need LOCAL integration when you want the lifecycle of the broker to be controlled by glassfish
If you want to configure/administer MQ broker separately, you need REMOTE.

> I saw MQ Scheme and MQ Service field can be configured in glassfish
> admin console under "Application Server > Configuration > Java
> Message Service" what is their use?
> specially that they are somehow unfamiliar,
> For example : [/hostName/][:/port/][//serviceName/] , I can not
> understand the serviceName here, what is its role?

please see
> Here in "Application Server > Configuration > Java Message Service
>> JMS Hosts" page we can define our standalone JMS host and glassfish
> will start/stop it (from its own open MQ folder)

Only the default_JMS_host will be started/stopped by glassfish, you can create any number of jms hosts, but only the default host will be managed by glassfish.

> And in this page if we define a new host that is our remote machine then
> we should configure "Application Server > Configuration > Java
> Message Service" to use our host and set it to be remote.
> But changing the JMS host is not an option because we can not use
> embedded JMS host for our regular low load queu.
> So we need to somehow create some connection factories to connect to the
> remote MQ instead of changing the default JMS host.
> here this question come:
> How i can define this kind of connection factories?
> You mentioned that I can but you did not give me more details, can you
> please explain about addressList and other properties?

i guess this question is answered in a different post
> The reason that i thought about a separate MQ is that numbe of r
> messages that are going to reside in one of our queue is a big number
> and they can stay there for a long time
> I thought that if we use our main application server MQ it will
> downgrade the performance.
> So I thought that we install a version of Open MQ on another machine and
> let it handle the queue, is it a correct way to reduce load from
> application server .
yes, you could use a REMOTE mq configuration (standalone or clustered)

> Imagine that i go with separate installation of Open MQ now I have some
> questions:
> -How I should configure the connection factories and destinations?

> -How I can make my queue or topics to be durable in remote JMS
> installation that is not default jms service of Glassfish application
> server.? (My messages stay safe if MQ crashed)
you should configure this in the MQ, please see open MQ documentation for high availability,
this blog might also be of interest to you
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