Re: Start a transaction from client and propagate it to server

From: legolas wood <>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:50:14 +0430

Joseph Fialli wrote:
> sankara rao bhogi wrote:
>> Legolas Woodland wrote:
>>> HI
>>> Thank you for reading my post
>>> Here is my problem, please let me know if you have any tips or advice.
>>> We have an standalone client running on remote machines (it is not
>>> ACC or anything link that, its a simple command line tool)
>>> we call several web services from this client, all of these web
>>> services are in the same glassfish application server.
>>> one web service insert data to DB1 using connection pool and datasource
>>> another web service use jms server (sun mq) and send message to it .
>>> now we want to support XA transaction between these two, do you have
>>> any solution?
>>> is it do-able to have XA transaction in web services?
>> XA transactions from client to server are possible, if you are trying
>> to invoke EJBs from the clients.
>> WSTX supports transactions with in the web services. I have CCed Joe
>> in this mail to clarify this specific scenario.
> WSTX only supports flowing transaction context from the web and EJB
> containers in glassfish v9.1.
> One can call transacted web operations from an app client, but if
> there is a current transaction scope in the app client, a warning
> event is logged that WSIT 1.0 does not support flowing
> transactions from an application client container. We are considering
> adding support for flowing transaction context from an application
> client, but
> we need feedback on how important this functionality is to the
> community. If you value this functionality, I would encourage you to
> file
> an enhancement issue to
> for component
> "transaction".

Thank you joseph.
By your reply i find that:
-If we have a simple command line application ( public static void
main() {....} ) we can not use WSIT to call two web services in a
-We can call two web serviecs inside a transaction if we call them from
a Servlet or EJB.
-Web services can be servlet based or EJB based.

Am I true about the above?

> -Joe Fialli, Sun Microsystems
>> regards
>> sankar
>>> Thanks