Re: Glassfish v2 build 41 and JSF/Facelets problem - navigation is broken

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 21:20:52 -0400

Sounds like a real pain. I chose to stick with Sun App Server 9.0 until
9.1 is released, based on Glassfish 2. It has been stable for
everything I need. Also it's an easier sell to clients because of the
name "SUN application server".

I have been using Visual Web Pack to develop several web apps. There
were some things I wanted to do but couldn't because of JSP which was
quite frustrating so I looked at alternatives. I read the whole
facelets manual a while back and was sold. When using facelets + plain
JSF I found that it was missing a lot of the things I was used to in
Visual Web Pack. After further reading I finally understood why there
are JSF frameworks like Shale, Seam and Visual Web Pack. They build on
top of JSF adding new functionality such as a view controller that gives
my page bean calbacks at different points in the lifecycle. With
facelets + plain JSF I could not do what I needed so dropped it.

It seems that you are using JSF + plain JSF and don't need the extras
such as a view controller. Is that correct? I was just curious about
how your project was set up. I know you can take Shale's view
controller and add it to plain JSF, which would have been perfect for me
except I couldn't get it to work :(

Ryan wrote:
> Hey Ryan
> We are using facelets to simplify the presentation tier of my web based applications.
> Vanilla JSP is a pain to work with especially when you add jsf components into the equation.
> Facelets provides a nice separation between the actual presentation code (css, html etc) and the jsf components that are needed on each page. This allows us to prototype a page layout without worrying about pluging it in to jsf.
> So in essence, all we are doing is making use of the facelets view handler to simplify the xhtml for our applications and sticking with jsfs vanilla backing beans for control of the flow through the applications, nothing too sophisticated ;)
> Saying that, I now have another problem with Glassfish.
> Navigation in my sample application is working fine once again in all other application servers and is running without a problem in tomcat. In glassfish however, I am getting a null pointer exception when trying to navigate from one page to the next.
> I imagine this is also tied into the use of NIO in glassfish because the same xml configuration file are working without a problem everywhere else :(
> This is so frustrating.
> Pete
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