Re: Glassfish v2 build 41 and JSF/Facelets problem

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 10:22:49 -0400

> I have a small test application which I use to teach colleagues the basic principals of jsf with facelets.
> This test application has worked fine on a number of application servers and also apache tomcat.
I don't have an answer and apparently the problem is fixed now, but I do
have a question about your setup. A while back I created a new JSF
project in NetBeans (not Visual Web Pack) and added facelets support to
it. Once I realized there is no "view controller" I didn't look any
further. What I mean is in Visual Web Pack each pagebean gets
callbacks at different points in the lifecycle such as init(),
preprocess(), prerender(), etc... and this is very very useful to me.
How are you using JSF + Facelets? Did you add the Shale view controller
to it? Are you using something else like JBoss Seam?

I would really love to use facelets, but can't live without the view

Thank God for JSF 2.0! I can't wait for it, it will solve all of JSF's
