Re: "Cannot write to an JAR archive open for reading" Exception?

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 14:53:26 -0400

Hi, Edek
  Thank you very much for sharing your findings. This information will
be useful for us to improve the error message in this scenario and also
for other people who run into the same problem.


- Hong wrote:

>ok, I found the reason. I post the thing below, since I already wrote it, maybe you'll find it useful.
>The reason was the WAR file, or rather appriopriate entry in application.xml.
>I entered <web-uri>/MyWebPart.war</web-uri> Note the / . Without the / it deployed ok.
>I cannot remember why I put this "/" there in the first place, I think I read somewhere that I
>should do so. Now I know I shouldn't, and on JBoss I also did [b]not[/b] put "/".
>With log level finest of deployer (I won't paste the whole log, just some lines before error).
>Here is what it does:
>[ parses the application.xml ]
>[ gets libs from /lib ]
>[ parses one of ejb-jar.xml ]
>[ analyzes beans and annotations on them ]
>[ ... the same for other EJB .jars ]
>[ opens the WAR (i'll become more detailed here )]
>[ does not read any web.xml, just dumps webBundle and classLoader (see dump):]
>Web Bundle descriptor
><== No attribute ==>
> Module Type = war
> Module spec version = 2.5
> Roles[] = []
> context root
> sessionTimeout 30
> mimeMappings [[[[mime-mappings-go-here]]]]
> welcomeFiles [index.html, index.htm, index.jsp]
> errorPageDescriptors []
> appListenerDescriptors []
> contextParameters [Env-Prop: com.sun.faces.injectionProvider_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_com.sun.faces.vend
>or.GlassFishInjectionProvider@@, Env-Prop: com.sun.faces.validateXml_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_true@@, Env
>-Prop: com.sun.faces.forceLoadConfiguration_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_true@@]
> ejbReferences
> jmsDestReferences
> messageDestReferences
> resourceReferences
> serviceReferences
> isDistributable false
> securityRoles null
> securityConstraints []
> contextRoot
> loginConfiguration null
> webComponentDescriptors
><== No attribute ==>WebComponentDescriptor
> initializationParameters [Env-Prop: debug_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_0@@, Env-Prop: listings_at_Non-Injectabl
>e Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_true@@]
> urlPatterns [/]
> canonicalName default
> loadOnStartUp 1
> securityRoleReferences []
> servlet className org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet
><== No attribute ==>WebComponentDescriptor
> initializationParameters [Env-Prop: xpoweredBy_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_true@@]
> urlPatterns [*.jspx, *.jsp]
> canonicalName jsp
> loadOnStartUp 3
> securityRoleReferences []
> servlet className org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
> environmentEntries |#]
>[ parses sun-ejb-jar.xml (only one EJB has this kind of file) ]
>[ parses sun-application.xml ]
>[ sets uniqueIds (?) ]
>[ throws beans into ejbBundleValidator ]
>[ "START of EJBC" then a few lines below "END of EJBC"]
>[ unique IDs again + getPersistenceManagers + see for yourself :
>e-337b0858185d;|[Application]desc id: 77011493761712138|#]
>0d33e-662e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|***IASEjbBundleDescriptor.getPersistenceManagers done -#- |#]
>0d33e-662e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|***IASEjbBundleDescriptor.getPersistenceManagers done -#- |#]
>0d33e-662e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|***IASEjbBundleDescriptor.getPersistenceManagers done -#- |#]
>0d33e-662e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|***IASEjbBundleDescriptor.getPersistenceManagers done -#- |#]
>62e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|Deployment Error
>com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException: Fatal Error from EJB Compiler -- Failed to save deployment
>descriptor for: xxxx
>cause: Cannot write to an JAR archive open for reading
> at com.sun.enterprise.instance.BaseManager.saveAppDescriptor(
> at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.EJBCompiler.preDeployApp(
> at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.EJBCompiler.compile(
> at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.AppDeployer.runEJBC(
> at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.AppDeployer.deploy(
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