Re: "Cannot write to an JAR archive open for reading" Exception?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:16:00 PST


ok, I found the reason. I post the thing below, since I already wrote it, maybe you'll find it useful.
The reason was the WAR file, or rather appriopriate entry in application.xml.
I entered <web-uri>/MyWebPart.war</web-uri> Note the / . Without the / it deployed ok.
I cannot remember why I put this "/" there in the first place, I think I read somewhere that I
should do so. Now I know I shouldn't, and on JBoss I also did [b]not[/b] put "/".

With log level finest of deployer (I won't paste the whole log, just some lines before error).
Here is what it does:
[ parses the application.xml ]
[ gets libs from /lib ]
[ parses one of ejb-jar.xml ]
[ analyzes beans and annotations on them ]
[ ... the same for other EJB .jars ]
[ opens the WAR (i'll become more detailed here )]
[ does not read any web.xml, just dumps webBundle and classLoader (see dump):]
Web Bundle descriptor

<== No attribute ==>
 Module Type = war
 Module spec version = 2.5
 Roles[] = []
 context root
 sessionTimeout 30
 mimeMappings [[[[mime-mappings-go-here]]]]
 welcomeFiles [index.html, index.htm, index.jsp]
 errorPageDescriptors []
 appListenerDescriptors []
 contextParameters [Env-Prop: com.sun.faces.injectionProvider_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_com.sun.faces.vend
or.GlassFishInjectionProvider@@, Env-Prop: com.sun.faces.validateXml_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_true@@, Env
-Prop: com.sun.faces.forceLoadConfiguration_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_true@@]
 isDistributable false
 securityRoles null
 securityConstraints []
 loginConfiguration null
<== No attribute ==>WebComponentDescriptor

 initializationParameters [Env-Prop: debug_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_0@@, Env-Prop: listings_at_Non-Injectabl
e Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_true@@]
 urlPatterns [/]
 canonicalName default
 loadOnStartUp 1
 securityRoleReferences []
 servlet className org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet
<== No attribute ==>WebComponentDescriptor

 initializationParameters [Env-Prop: xpoweredBy_at_Non-Injectable Resource_at_java.lang.String_at_true@@]
 urlPatterns [*.jspx, *.jsp]
 canonicalName jsp
 loadOnStartUp 3
 securityRoleReferences []
 servlet className org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
 environmentEntries |#]

[ parses sun-ejb-jar.xml (only one EJB has this kind of file) ]
[ parses sun-application.xml ]
[ sets uniqueIds (?) ]
[ throws beans into ejbBundleValidator ]
[ "START of EJBC" then a few lines below "END of EJBC"]
[ unique IDs again + getPersistenceManagers + see for yourself :
e-337b0858185d;|[Application]desc id: 77011493761712138|#]

0d33e-662e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|***IASEjbBundleDescriptor.getPersistenceManagers done -#- |#]

0d33e-662e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|***IASEjbBundleDescriptor.getPersistenceManagers done -#- |#]

0d33e-662e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|***IASEjbBundleDescriptor.getPersistenceManagers done -#- |#]

0d33e-662e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|***IASEjbBundleDescriptor.getPersistenceManagers done -#- |#]

62e-44c9-a4ae-337b0858185d;|Deployment Error
com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException: Fatal Error from EJB Compiler -- Failed to save deployment
descriptor for: xxxx
cause: Cannot write to an JAR archive open for reading
        at com.sun.enterprise.instance.BaseManager.saveAppDescriptor(
        at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.EJBCompiler.preDeployApp(
        at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.EJBCompiler.compile(
        at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.AppDeployer.runEJBC(
        at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.AppDeployer.deploy(
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