Re: glassfish installation problem

From: <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 13:10:49 PST

I am also having the same problem.

I looked at the setup.xml file and line 513 which is having a problem is the
exec in the following extract. I don't know ANT syntax well enough to understand why this is failing. I am thinking that perhaps ASADMIN is somehow defined wrong. What can I insert to cause ANT to echo out the value of ASADMIN when it gets to this line? Maybe this will provide a clue as to why the installation is failing for myself and JACEQ.



<target name="create.domain" depends="setup.init,set.env">
    <exec executable="${ASADMIN}" failonerror="true">
        <arg line="create-domain" />
        <arg line="--adminport ${admin.port}" />
        <arg line="--instanceport ${instance.port}" />
        <arg line="--adminuser ${admin.user}" />
        <arg line="--passwordfile &quot;${adminpassfile}&quot;" />
        <arg line="--domainproperties orb.listener.port=${orb.port}:jms.port=${imq.port}:http.ssl.port=${https.port}" />
        <arg line="--savelogin" />
        <arg line="${}" />
    <delete file="${adminpassfile}" />
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