Re: Injection of ref to EJB fails

From: <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:03:43 PST

Hi Jean,

OK, glad you mentioned that. Putting the helper classes in domains/domain1/lib is
not the recommended way to share them. It's better to just package them each in
their own ejb-module. Otherwise, the classes become part of the system classpath
and can only be changed when you restart the appserver, not when you deploy/redeploy.
Of course, packaging some of the dependent ejb-modules together in one .ear alleviates
is another way to go. In that case you can just put the helper class .jar in the
/lib directory of the .ear and it is guaranteed to be visible to all modules in the application.

Regarding stubs, there is no reason to use them so it's best to remove them. We have
a feature called dynamic RMI-IIOP. The static RMI-IIOP stubs option is only provided
for certain legacy client setups. You can find more information here :

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