Re: Help writing glassfish web/app ??

From: <>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 09:37:36 PST

First look at:

Then have a scan through this:

Then on Solaris 11, the packages are as follows:

bash-3.00# pkginfo | egrep "SUNWasac|SUNWascmn|SUNWasdem|SUNWasjdoc|SUNWasman|SUNWasr|SUNWasu|SUNWasut"
system SUNWasac Sun Java System Application Server Admin Client
system SUNWascmn Sun Java System Application Server (common)
system SUNWasdem Sun Java System Application Server Sample Applications
system SUNWasjdoc Sun Java System Application Server, javadoc api
system SUNWasman Sun Java System Application Server, man pages
system SUNWasr Sun Java System Application Server (root)
system SUNWasu Sun Java System Application Server (usr)
system SUNWasut Sun Java System Application Server, upgrade tool

bash-3.00# pkginfo | grep SUNWnbide
application SUNWnbide Sun Studio 11 NetBeans
bash-3.00# uname -a
SunOS solaris-devx 5.11 snv_55b i86pc i386 i86pc

So the packages are all there.
login and start X or ssh in, type /bin/bash, then export DISPLAY=<ip:0>

then type :

Once Netbeans is up, In the main window under Sample Projects, click on enterprise. A small box pops up and you click on samples, then click on indentity blueprints, then click on Stock Service, then click next, leave the name and give it a location say /tmp/<your_first>
The project loads into the IDE and it's ready to build/run

Then still in Netbeans, click on seems to be a black magic button because stuff just happens and when it's done the app is up and you can connect with your browser.

       cd /opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/autodeploy
       cp -pr /opt/SUNWappserver/samples/quickstart/hello.war .

....and do nothing.....the application server detects the new WAR, unpacks it and fires it up
connect to http://your_ip:8080/hello
hahaha perl and php and kiss my ass!!!

For my Solaris, I used the Solaris Express Developer Edition dvd 02/07. I believe it's available
at the techdays...not sure about download??
It installs the above packages by default, including Tomcat and Apache.

Now I'm off to find a "create and auth auth" users WAR file.

[Message sent by forum member 'bruceuk' (bruceuk)]