Re: has anybody tried the Liferay/Glassfish bundle on Windows?

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:53:15 -0800

I tried to get this bundle working from a different angle.

I installed the bundle. Then I installed a recent build of GF v2.

After all these bits got installed, I tried to start the domain from the
bundle with the recent V2 build 'bits'.

I have run into a couple issues that have slowed me down, but I think
this strategy can work...

Of course, the whole reason to do this is to have a large application
that I can use to test redeployment strategies for directory deployed

I plan on writing up my test results (once I have some). I will
probably write up my migration experience, too.

But all that will need to wait. I have some other GlassFish server
integration plugin for NetBeans coding that needs to get done, soon.


BTW: if you [OR ANYBODY ELSE ON] know of
any other LARGE ear or war project/files that I could use for this
redeployment testing I would be grateful.

LARGE: something that consists of about 30+ MB of class and jsp files..

Barry van Someren wrote:
> Hi Vince,
> Last year I successfully installed Liferay on Glassfish both as a .WAR
> and as a .EAR (the WAR was very fast). However the latest version
> didn't install at all and nobody has really helped me figure out why.
> I then turned to the bundle and found out that the bundle is indeed
> Windows only, I'm unsure if you can just copy the .sh files in from
> another install.
> A request for steps to install on Glassfish have so far gone unanswered.
> For now I have just given up on Liferay as I don't believe in software
> that only installs from a bundle and that I can't deploy myself.
> Regards,
> Barry