Hello Will
Part of this confusion is/was resolved by the email bridge between the
users alias and the GlassFish forum. Essentially the GF forum and users
list are one and the same with the added convenience that forum posts
and make their way to the users list(and vice versa) allowing folks to
reply to forum posts by email.
We now need to address the SJSAS forum situation as well so that there
can be a unified 'forum' as you suggest for addressing users' needs.
> Yea, this is a real problem. It's not clear where the central "go to" place is for SJAS/GlassFish. Also, while GlassFish is a nice name to google on, Sun Java System Application Server is effectively impossible to Google on.
> Also, there's this forum as well as the users mailing list. I've not subscribed to the mailing list, and do not know it's activity. But, to me, it divides the user population. So, now I know of at least 3 places for SJAS/GlassFish questions.
> All very confusing.
> [Message sent by forum member 'whartung' (whartung)]
> http://forums.java.net/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=204553
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