If you are not using a deployment descriptor (webservices.xml) file then
this is true.
Please see section on WebServiceProvider annotation (JSR-109):
"For Servlet based endpoints using this annotation, fully qualified name
of the Service Implementation Bean class
must be used as the <servlet-link> element in the deployment descriptor
to map the Port component to the actual
This implies that the servlet name (which is the same as the
<servlet-link>) should be fully qualified name of the Service
Implementation Bean class
You should be able to override this if the webservices.xml file is used
Mark Hansen wrote:
> It seems to be a requirement in GlassFish that when deploying an
> @WebServiceProvider along with an web.xml, that the <servlet-name>
> must be equal to the fully qualified name of the provider class (i.e.,
> the class with the @WebServiceProvider annotation). Is that correct?
> Is this a requirement specified anywhere in JSR-109 or JSR-181,
> because if it is, I cannot find such a requirement.
> Thanks for any insight on this.
> -- Mark
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