Re: webservices.xml not generated?

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 14:18:15 -0800

satish viswanatham wrote:
> Mark Hansen wrote:
>> I'm using Glassfish V2 b28. When deploying an @WebServiceProvider
>> packaged as a WAR, I do not see any webservices.xml getting generated
>> in the domain1/generated/xml/j2ee-modules directory.
>> I thought that Glassfish mapped the JAX-WS annotations/deployment
>> configs to a webservices.xml for management of Web Services. Is that
>> not the case?
> It used to be the case. It is now changed. webservices.xml is not
> generated by default. Runtime will generate this webservices.xml in
> memory for management. Vijay can give more details if you like. Is
> there is a reason you are looking for this file? Does your deployed
> web service show up in the admin console? Are you able to run this web
> service?

Clarification - webservices.xml is always generated. Now, we do not
generate the WSDL - instead we use the in memory WSDL
