Re: webservices.xml not generated?

From: satish viswanatham <Satish.Viswanatham_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 13:16:42 -0800

Mark Hansen wrote:

> I'm using Glassfish V2 b28. When deploying an @WebServiceProvider
> packaged as a WAR, I do not see any webservices.xml getting generated
> in the domain1/generated/xml/j2ee-modules directory.
> I thought that Glassfish mapped the JAX-WS annotations/deployment
> configs to a webservices.xml for management of Web Services. Is that
> not the case?
It used to be the case. It is now changed. webservices.xml is not
generated by default. Runtime will generate this webservices.xml in
memory for management. Vijay can give more details if you like. Is there
is a reason you are looking for this file? Does your deployed web
service show up in the admin console? Are you able to run this web service?


> -- Mark
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