Re: How to set per instance jvm options in glassfish?

From: kedar <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 15:04:35 -0800


You have asked a great question, Andrew.
And I am embarrassed to see that you could not find
a helpful document somewhere. We do have this capability
which we have "branded" as advanced capability and is
called "application server system properties". These
are nothing but tokens that can be replaced with certain
values at various levels -> domain, cluster, config, server.


(Google Search words -- Application Server System

At the moment there are some issues with it, but it mostly
works. We are fixing these issues. Please try out this stuff
and let us know if that satisfies you. You may have to employ
some work-arounds (like restarting node agent) for a transient
set of problems that we have.


Replogle, Andrew wrote:
> Hello, I searched through the user list and couldn’t find anything in
> relation to this question:
> Say I have 2 instances in a cluster and I need each of them to start
> with some unique JVM args that specify overrides property files for
> the app because one instance will run jobs and has a slightly
> different config. How can I configure specific jvm args at the
> instance level. Right now from what I can see, on version2 build 32,
> the entire cluster shares a config. How can I get more granular in the
> configuration?
> Domain
> Cluster------- This is the lowest level I can see that I can configure
> JVM args.
> Node(s)
> Instance(s)
> / \
> App1 App2
> -Dfoo=file1 -Dfoo=file2
> Thanks in advance J
> Andrew