How to set per instance jvm options in glassfish?

From: Replogle, Andrew <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 16:38:54 -0600

Hello, I searched through the user list and couldn't find anything in
relation to this question:


Say I have 2 instances in a cluster and I need each of them to start
with some unique JVM args that specify overrides property files for the
app because one instance will run jobs and has a slightly different
config. How can I configure specific jvm args at the instance level.
Right now from what I can see, on version2 build 32, the entire cluster
shares a config. How can I get more granular in the configuration?



     Cluster------- This is the lowest level I can see that I can
configure JVM args.



                     / \

                 App1 App2

            -Dfoo=file1 -Dfoo=file2


Thanks in advance :-)

