Nodeagent Fails to start a second time when shutdown after creation

From: Replogle, Andrew <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 13:43:05 -0600

Out of ignorance I inappropriately sent this to the issues list not
fully understanding what that list was for. I hope this is the right
place for it


Using v2 Build 32:


After I've started up the domain, I go to create a node agent on the


C:\glassfish\bin>asadmin.bat create-node-agent NODE1

Please enter the master password>

Command create-node-agent executed successfully.


C:\glassfish\bin>asadmin.bat start-node-agent NODE1

Login information could not be read for host name [null] and port [4848]

Please enter the admin user name>admin

Please enter the admin password> //Entered adminadmin

Please enter the master password> //Entered adminadmin

Redirecting output to

Redirecting application output to

Command start-node-agent executed successfully.


C:\glassfish\bin>asadmin.bat stop-node-agent NODE1

Command stop-node-agent executed successfully.


C:\glassfish\bin>asadmin.bat start-node-agent NODE1

Login information could not be read for host name [null] and port [4848]

Please enter the admin user name>admin

Please enter the admin password> //Entered adminadmin

Please enter the master password> //Entered adminadmin

Password entered is invalid

CLI137 Command start-node-agent failed.





Why would my password suddenly become invalid? This was all done in a
single run on the server that the domain is running on. Any assistance
or direction is greatly appreciated.

