Re: Forcing shutdown?

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:51:38 -0700

Guillaume Bilodeau wrote:

>Hi guys,
>Since a few days I'm experiencing some problems with my GlassFish (SJSAS
>9.0.0) server. One problem is that, for some unknown reason, it stops
>responding (no response when trying to open the URL to a deployed
>application or the management console). Another problem is that shutting it
>down constantly fails, both through the Windows service stop or the manual
>asadmin stop-server command line call. And since it seems to be running in
>one of the java.exe processes, and there are many of them running right now,
>I cannot just end the process manually.
>There is nothing suspicious in the server logs. The only thing I can think
>of is that it's running on a crowded server and there might be some other
>program that's somehow messing up with the resources.
>Is there any way to force GlassFish to shut down?
You may want to use jps with verbose option to determine the application
server process.

>And is there any other
>place I could look for any trace of a potential problem?
I guess you are using windows-xp, you may want to use task manager to
monitor cpu performance.
