GlassFish EJB2.1 Example available? (glassfish ejb2.1 CMP deployment howto)

From: Hans Prueller <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 09:19:00 +0200

Hi together,
I plan to migrate our main application from another j2ee appserver to
glassfish. As the application
is rather large, a pre-migration from ejb2.1 to ejb3 is impossible as our
current appserver does not
have ejb3 support.
so we plan to migrate to glassfish with ejb2.1 first, if this works well
migrate from ejb2.1 to ejb3 but
already running on GlassFish.
I was looking for some examples and also downloaded the glassfish examples
bunde, but all I
found were examples regarding J2EE 5 / EJB3. Unfortunately I did not find
any example/howto
for deploying ejb2.1 CMP beans to glassfish (where do I have to specificy
the name of the
connection pool to be used, where do I have to specify the relatoinal
mapping, etc)
Is there anything available?