Don't panic :).
Do you access PU from an appclient only, or from other parts of the code?
Which persistence provider are you using? Can you post your persistence.xml?
Martin, Ray wrote:
> Problem:
> Application (with embedded database deployed to Glassfish as an AppClient
> and run from a link of a JSP that has been deployed as an Enterprise App to
> Glassfish) throws javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence
> provider for EntityManager named SVG_Drawings at
> javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
> )
> Call for help:
> I really need some help. I am stuck with these problems and I need an
> expert to poke me in the right direction.
> Apologies:
> I am working on a stand alone test bed that has no Internet access,
> therefore, it is very difficult to send stack traces and code snippets. I
> am sorry.
> Background:
> Using Java 1.5.0_06-b05
> Using Glassfish 9.0-b48
> Using Netbeans 5.0
> Using Derby (embedded database)
> Using Toplink (from Glassfish lib)
> Using FreePastry 1.4.4 (structured peer-to-peer overlay)
> Using GLIPSGraffiti (Apache SVG editor)
> Prepared to use jTssWrapper (JNI to Trousers)
> Prepared to use Trousers (IBM Trusted Software Stack for attestation, etc)
> Prepared to use JESS (reasoning)
> Prepared to use OWL/RDF (semantics and ontology)
> Prepared to use JADE 3.3 (agent software)
> Purpose:
> Test bed is used to demonstrate Java Security, SELinux MAC, TNC (Trusted
> Network Connect), and showcase Java technology. I have been working on this
> demonstration for a couple of months.
> A little about the design:
> There are several Netbeans' projects:
> KART (Knowledge Awareness Response Tool) - J2SE desktop application, a
> substrate that contains data persistence (Derby) and data communications
> (FreePastry). KART receives addons in the perspective that Mozilla uses
> addons. KART has a classloader for loading the addons. KART is deployed to
> Glassfish as an AppClient. KART contains persistence.xml.
> ChatEditor - simple addon that allows users at endpoints on the structured
> overlay to send text messages back and forth. This addon has no data
> persistence requirements.
> DrawingEditor - an addon requiring data persistence and data communications.
> This addon is based on the GLIPS SVG editor. GLIPS was modified to persist
> to the database instead of the filesystem.
> SecurityAuditor - an addon in its infancy, will need data persistence and
> data communications. Will use nmap and SNMP to collect layer 2 data. Will
> use JESS for decision processing.
> Addons - a web application. All jar files of addons are placed into this
> project. The war file from this project is deployed as a web application to
> Glassfish
> AddonInterfaces - a J2SE application that contains the interface classes
> required by addons to interface with KART. So, these files are the
> 'contract' between KART and addons.
> Provision - a J2EE application used to showcase JSF and JSP. The ear file
> of Provision is deployed to Glassfish as an enterprise application.
> Admittedly, Provision does not yet do much EJB - only Web-Module at the
> moment. But, Provision is planned to do policy loads (both operational and
> security (both OS and Java)) using EJB functionality
> A little about operation:
> After everything is deployed to Glassfish correctly, users can access
> Provision's web page, ServiceLocator.jsp, and click on the KART link.
> AppClient/JWS does its thing and the substrate is available on the user's
> desktop. There is a button, "Visit Addon Store". When the user selects,
> she is provided with a list of addons. ChatEditor can be selected and users
> at structured overlay endpoints can chat. SecurityAuditor can be selected
> in addition to ChatEditor (or ChatEditor could have been shutdown). The
> SecurityAuditor GUI stands up, but the addon needs lots of work and does not
> do much for now - but it is okay. DrawingEditor will also stand up and the
> user can edit SVG drawings - IF I comment out the data persistence.
> More problem discussion:
> As described at the beginning of this (too long) email, EntityManagerFactory
> does not know how to start - probably because I do not know how to tell
> AppClient how/where to use my persistence.xml. Of course, this problem is
> only seen if I comment out setting my Derby home property. I learned how to
> set a policy to AppClient from Mr. Quinn's explanation on Feb 7 at this
> link: (I
> requested a login, but I am not able to post to that forum) At the moment,
> KART.jar is not signed - I have seen it written that JWS will not use
> permissions unless the jar is signed. When I sign KART.jar, JWS says that
> it cannot verify - and I have not figured out what to do about that. I have
> tried running at the command line using AppClient - this blows a different
> error than trying AppClient/JWS. The 'AppClient only' way blows an
> oracle.toplink.essentails.exception.ValidationException.currentLoaderNotVali
> d - maybe as soon as I get my other problems fixed with AppClient/JWS, it
> too will blow that error.
> I have some sys outs in KART to watch classloaders so that I can learn more
> about what AppClient does. But, AppCLient/JWS will not allow me to make the
> getClassLoader() call because of permissions.
> Plea:
> I am so lost with all of this AppClient/JWS stuff. I am doing web searches
> like a wild man - but, I can't find much. Please help me get past these
> humps in the road.
> PS
> I feel Ruby and .Net howling at my heels as I run into this massive
> roadblock with my Java showcase.
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