Re: IMPORTANT: GlassFish V2 Build Update

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 15:14:11 -0700

Dinesh Patil wrote:
> Hi,
> Based on the feedback from GlassFish community, we have decided to
> revert back the defaults (from build b12) to do
> installation/configuration in PE mode. So, hold off using b12. The
> changes described below will be available in this week's promoted
> build, b13.
> Goal of GlassFish V2 is to have the installer support for the creation
> of both - a PE domain (single instance) and clustered domain. While we
> are still in the process of getting there, we will make changes to
> preserve the behavior of the installer to what it was before b12. We
> will have a separate setup script file for GlassFish V2 with clustering.
> These would translate into the following changes in the build scripts:
> 1. *PE will be the default configuration.*
> * Rename setup-pe.xml to setup.xml
> * As a result "maven configure-runtime" goal will call
> setup.xml to create PE domain (single instance)
> 2. *A new script file (setup-cluster.xml ) will be used to create
> clustered configuration.*
> * Rename current setup.xml to setup-cluster.xml
> * This would then result in "maven
> configure-runtime-cluster" goal to call setup-cluster.xml
> to create clustered domains.

Could it be "maven configure-clustered-runtime" or is there some magic like:

if command == configure-runtime+$X

then run ant -f setup+$X.xml
> * Until Mac OS X build issues (nss/nspr version for Mac) are
> resolved, configure-runtime-cluster won't be supported for
> Mac. This means that Mac builds will support only PE
> domains (single instance).
> Please let us know if you have any questions
> Thanks,
> -Dinesh and Dhiru