IMPORTANT: GlassFish V2 Build Update

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 15:06:35 -0700


Based on the feedback from GlassFish community, we have decided to
revert back the defaults (from build b12) to do
installation/configuration in PE mode. So, hold off using b12. The
changes described below will be available in this week's promoted build,

Goal of GlassFish V2 is to have the installer support for the creation
of both - a PE domain (single instance) and clustered domain. While we
are still in the process of getting there, we will make changes to
preserve the behavior of the installer to what it was before b12. We
will have a separate setup script file for GlassFish V2 with clustering.

These would translate into the following changes in the build scripts:

   1. *PE will be the default configuration.*
          * Rename setup-pe.xml to setup.xml
          * As a result "maven configure-runtime" goal will call
            setup.xml to create PE domain (single instance)
   2. *A new script file (setup-cluster.xml ) will be used to create
      clustered configuration.*
          * Rename current setup.xml to setup-cluster.xml
          * This would then result in "maven configure-runtime-cluster"
            goal to call setup-cluster.xml to create clustered domains.
          * Until Mac OS X build issues (nss/nspr version for Mac) are
            resolved, configure-runtime-cluster won't be supported for
            Mac. This means that Mac builds will support only PE domains
            (single instance).

Please let us know if you have any questions

-Dinesh and Dhiru