Re: Experience with internet meeting tools?

From: Sridatta Viswanath <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 11:46:15 -0700

There is an IRC channel for Glassfish that we can start experimenting.
It's informal and any topic related to GlassFish goes. In future, we can
start blocking time slots for specific discussions and events.

See instructions below on how to join the channel. You can download free
clients. xchat seems be the most popular. . Free
Win32 XChat clients:
There is a list at
(you will need to configure your http proxy if you are inside a firewall)

There are already 6 or 7 people discussing GF -- right now!. So, see
you all there soon.

*Instructions to join GlassFish IRC channel:*

Channel: #glassfish

GlassFish channel is #glassfish on
<irc://>. Converse with members of the team working on
GlassFish by joining the public chat room on After you
access freenode with your IRC client for the first time, you register
yourself with the following command:

/msg NickServ REGISTER <your password>

The password should be one that you don't mind others accessing. In
other words, don't use a password that you already use for something
else important.
Every time you log in thereafter, you need to identify yourself to the

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <your password>

Finally, after you've registered your password or identified yourself,
you join the channel:

/join #glassfish

Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> We are considering a kick-off event for GF v2 sometime in July and we
> would like to make it as participatory as possible. One possibility
> is to have some prepared slides, distributed as Screencasts
> (Flash-based) and do a real-time IRC chat. We are also investigating
> IP-based concall software, the software used by Sun Training for Live
> Web Classes and some other software.
> We are very interested in your suggestions in this area. Specially if
> it is based on actual experience with the software.
> Please post suggestions and comments in this thread. If we can make
> this work, we may want to use it for regular events.
> Thanks,
> - eduard/o
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