Re: Experience with internet meeting tools?

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 12:14:45 -0700


Is there a Unix client?


Sridatta Viswanath wrote:
> There is an IRC channel for Glassfish that we can start experimenting.
> It's informal and any topic related to GlassFish goes. In future, we can
> start blocking time slots for specific discussions and events.
> See instructions below on how to join the channel. You can download free
> clients. xchat seems be the most popular. . Free
> Win32 XChat clients:
> There is a list at
> (you will need to configure your http proxy if you are inside a firewall)
> There are already 6 or 7 people discussing GF -- right now!. So, see
> you all there soon.
> thanks
> -Sridatta
> ---------------
> *Instructions to join GlassFish IRC channel:*
> Server:
> Channel: #glassfish
> GlassFish channel is #glassfish on
> <irc://>. Converse with members of the team working on
> GlassFish by joining the public chat room on After you
> access freenode with your IRC client for the first time, you register
> yourself with the following command:
> /msg NickServ REGISTER <your password>
> The password should be one that you don't mind others accessing. In
> other words, don't use a password that you already use for something
> else important.
> Every time you log in thereafter, you need to identify yourself to the
> NickServ:
> /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <your password>
> Finally, after you've registered your password or identified yourself,
> you join the channel:
> /join #glassfish
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> We are considering a kick-off event for GF v2 sometime in July and we
>> would like to make it as participatory as possible. One possibility
>> is to have some prepared slides, distributed as Screencasts
>> (Flash-based) and do a real-time IRC chat. We are also investigating
>> IP-based concall software, the software used by Sun Training for Live
>> Web Classes and some other software.
>> We are very interested in your suggestions in this area. Specially if
>> it is based on actual experience with the software.
>> Please post suggestions and comments in this thread. If we can make
>> this work, we may want to use it for regular events.
>> Thanks,
>> - eduard/o
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