_at_Version with timestamp

From: Ignacio Goyeneche <>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 16:31:21 +0200

I want to use a version field based on a timestamp to control
concurrency problems with
optimistic locking in my application.
I made it work with a version number against a long field, but I
couldn´t make it work
against a timestamp.

I searched for it on the net and saw I'm not the only one with this
problem, see:


Can you tell me if timestamps are supported? How do I use them?


Ignacio Goyeneche <>
(Análisis y Desarrollo Informático )
Teléfono: 976 748 120
MAZ - Mutua de A.T. y E.P. de la Seg. Social Nş 11
Avda. Academia General Militar,74
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