Re: GlassFish JMX for Dummies ?

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 11:42:38 -0400

Cool. Thanks for the explanation about AMX.

To clarify ... are you saying that it is not possible to do portable
deployment using JSR-88? My interpretation of your comments is that,
even with JSR-88, it is not possible to write a generic deploy/undeploy
utility that will work for all Java EE 5 app servers vis JSR-88. Am I
understanding this correctly? Would this be because of platform
specific descriptors (e.g., sun-web.xml), or is there more to it than that?

Kedar Mhaswade wrote:

> (Posting rather long response, but subject matter mandates it).
> Accessing/Invoking "MBeans" is way to administer systems that
> have an implementation of instrumentation and agent
> level of standard JMX:
> There is a standard way to connect to these MBeans so as
> to manage them programmatically. This is much like standard
> ways to invoke the Java EE server side entities using HTTP,
> RMI/IIOP etc. An example of such a "standard" JMX Connector
> is JConsole that's distributed with Java SE 5.0+ distribution.
> MBeans are just like Java Beans although there are flavors
> that make more flexible and powerful management possible using
> rather complex structures. GlassFish uses such complex MBeans
> called "Dynamic MBeans". The "standard" way to invoke these
> MBeans is rather non object oriented. Thus, if an MBean had a
> "management" method like "start(int timeout)", you'll need to
> invoke it as
> anMBeanRegistrar.invoke(mbeanId, "start", params, signature);
> (names are chosen for sake of brevity).
> What I am getting at is the concept of "proxied" Objects
> so that you could write client programs just like any other
> program. Unfortunately, pure JMX does not provide these proxies
> over the MBeans that might be arbitrarily complex.
> Hence, GlassFish goes one step further than other JMX enabled
> systems like JBoss in that it uses a programmatic Java "API"
> for you to able to do what other admin tools like "asadmin"
> or "admin GUI" do. Deployment is just a part of it. You'd need
> to for example "programmatically" create certain JVM options that
> would be required by the GlassFish runtime. This comprehensive
> API is called "AMX".
> All this and more is documented at:
> There are quite a few examples there, for example:
> *Note*
> This is the only official "programmatic" API to manage
> GlassFish. Other ways suggested are just hacks.
> The specific case of "deployment" is an interesting one because
> Java EE "spec" tells users how to deploy apps to a server compliant
> with JSR 88. So, in theory, you could be a JSR 88 client and do
> *only* deployment that is Java EE standard compliant. But unfortunately,
> you don't need to *only* deploy. A lot of configuration comes
> along with it and you would need a more sophisticated way to do it.
> That's what AMX tries to do.
> While using AMX, on the client side all you need is a simple file
> named "appserv-ext.jar" and not the entire GlassFish installation.
> Regards,
> Kedar
> Mark Hansen wrote:
>> There is a maven 2 plugin for JBoss (maven-plugin-jboss). It uses
>> JMX to let you deploy/undeploy J2EE apps. I'm trying to modify it to
>> create a similar plugin for GlassFish. Unfortunately, I am clueless
>> about JMX. Is it possible to deploy/undeploy Java EE 5 apps (WAR,
>> EAR, etc) to GlassFish using JMX? If so, is there a tutorial
>> somewhere that I could use to get started?
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
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