On Tue, 2 May 2006, Jagadish Prasath Ramu wrote:
>>> In the first look, it look like you are having a sizing problem.
>> That's what I thought, too, except running under a situation where you
>> shouldn't have a ton of connections being created *also* fired off the
>> same connection count. Further, once I get the out-of-connections message,
>> the appserver never recovers -- a bigger problem, in my opinion.
> I am not sure how it happens. AFAIK, when conn. pool could not provide a
> connection, max-wait-time expired exception is thrown to the application
> and as a result, rollback will happen.
> Further conn. requests will work fine.
> Is it possible for you to provide the source of your application, so
> that we can get more details ?
In the interests of education and improvement, sure -- but I'll ask you to
politely refuse to show the code to anyone or use it for anything. It's
not great code or anything - hey, it's a week old, and it's very far from
being anywhere near complete (it's not even near milestone 1!). I'm not
arrogant enough to ask for an NDA, but I do have slight hopes of selling
the code or the functionality some day.
Joseph B. Ottinger
http://www.TheServerSide.com joeo@enigmastation.com