Re: license question

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:44:55 -0400

If it is CDDL, then can it be distributed via a Maven repository?

Carla Mott wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I've been working on an effort to move many of the GlassFish
> jars into a maven repository. BTW, we have one on already and
> are planning on moving as much as we can there by JavaOne.
> Here's a link to the repository
> License is an issue and that is one reason why it has not been done
> already.
> We are working very hard to move as much code to CDDL as possible in the
> shortest time possible.
> Stay tunned.
> Carla
> Mark Hansen wrote:
>> Can I put GlassFish JARs out on a maven repository that I maintain?
>> I've got a bunch of tutorial/examples that will be published along
>> with a book. I build/run the examples using maven - and the maven
>> repository has GlassFish JARs. I'd like to make this same repository
>> available to my readers. Is that possible within the license?
>> Really, all the build process needs is javaee.jar. However, to make
>> things really easy for my readers, I'd like to include a "maven
>> install-glassfish" process that sets up GlassFish with all the right
>> defaults, etc. to run the book's examples. This, of course, requires
>> me to put all of GlassFish out on my repository.
>> I'd appreciate if is someone from Sun can advise me on this, either
>> on this forum or to me email: mark [at] javector [dot] com.
>> -- Mark
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