license question

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 15:22:05 -0400

Can I put GlassFish JARs out on a maven repository that I maintain?
I've got a bunch of tutorial/examples that will be published along with
a book. I build/run the examples using maven - and the maven repository
has GlassFish JARs. I'd like to make this same repository available to
my readers. Is that possible within the license?

Really, all the build process needs is javaee.jar. However, to make
things really easy for my readers, I'd like to include a "maven
install-glassfish" process that sets up GlassFish with all the right
defaults, etc. to run the book's examples. This, of course, requires me
to put all of GlassFish out on my repository.

I'd appreciate if is someone from Sun can advise me on this, either on
this forum or to me email: mark [at] javector [dot] com.

-- Mark