Re: Helpful information about intsalling glassfish on a Mac

From: Jerome Dochez <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:35:59 -0700


Which build did you download ? I assume you just took the linux build
and unjarred it... I did not see any Mac build on the page you
mentioned. Anyway taking any promoted build and run it on the mac is
not supported. The only way to get a successful mac build is so far
to check out the sources and build it yourself. I am working with RE
to get a Mac promotion but it will not happen until next week.


On Jul 5, 2005, at 10:32 AM, vince kraemer wrote:

> I wanted to try out GlassFish on my Mac.
> So I got Mac OS X (10.4) while I was up in San Francisco last week.
> I installed that.
> Got the J2SE 5 update from Apple.
> See for
> details.
> I installed that.
> I set up my JAVA_HOME and PATH as recommended by http://
> I downloaded the latest GlassFish promoted build.
> I followed the 'unbundle and configure' instructions, here https://
> And saw the error reported as issue 8 https://
> Basically, creating the initial domain failed, because Derby did
> not want to start. Derby wants/needs to run with a special system
> property, which was not part of the asadmin environment.
> The work-around for the issue is in the comments on the issue.
> vbk
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