Helpful information about intsalling glassfish on a Mac

From: vince kraemer <vince.kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:32:40 -0700

I wanted to try out GlassFish on my Mac.

So I got Mac OS X (10.4) while I was up in San Francisco last week.

I installed that.

Got the J2SE 5 update from Apple.
   See for details.

I installed that.

I set up my JAVA_HOME and PATH as recommended by

I downloaded the latest GlassFish promoted build.

I followed the 'unbundle and configure' instructions, here

And saw the error reported as issue 8

Basically, creating the initial domain failed, because Derby did not
want to start. Derby wants/needs to run with a special system property,
which was not part of the asadmin environment.

The work-around for the issue is in the comments on the issue.
