
Re: Reducing Memory Footprint

From: Tim Quinn <tim.quinn_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 14:01:37 -0500

Hello, Harald.

You might have noticed that I have checked in some changes - and
updated the issue.

The changes should be in the next nightly and the next promoted build
for both 3.1.1 and the main trunk.

Prior to that, if you would like, I can send you a zip file containing
four updated JARs that you could place into your glassfish3/glassfish/
modules directory and see what effect the changes have with your

Of course, this would be an officially unsupported configuration
(because of the "patch" JARs) but then again 3.1.1 itself is not
released yet anyway so this is really no change in that regard.
Although I did quite a bit of testing of these changes, the promoted
builds go through a much more rigorous workout, so keep that in mind.

If you would like to try the "patch" JARs please let me know and I can
get them to you.


- Tim

On Jun 3, 2011, at 10:44 AM, Harald Wellmann wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> this is good news. Is there a dedicated JIRA issue for the stuff
> you're working on, or can you add a comment to GLASSFISH-16747 when
> your changes get integrated so I can retest with my application?
> Thanks,
> Harald
> Am 03.06.2011 16:40, schrieb Tim Quinn:
>> As for the non-Weld aspects of this, there are some small changes
>> with
>> what we hope will be major impact we're testing. They are not yet
>> in the
>> builds but should be soon if the testing goes well.
>> - Tim