
Re: Glassfish serialization error involving _at_Remote EJBs (GLASSFISH_15836)

From: Laird Nelson <ljnelson_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 15:59:28 -0500

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Marina Vatkina

> The caused-by exception seems like the classloader mismatch that's
> happening in embedded GlassFish container (at least in some flavors of it)
> with remote EJBs. It shouldn't happen in regular GF.

I've updated the bug. As it turns out, @Remote has nothing to do with it
(!). It is all about the inheritance.

Suppose I have a business interface, SimpleStateless. It is not annotated
in any way.

Now suppose I have a POJO named SimpleStatelessBean that implements it.

Now suppose I have a stateless session bean named
SimpleStatelessBeanExtension. Suppose further it is annotated with
@Stateless and nothing else.

The error will occur.

I hope this helps. I will boil my test case down and attach it.
