
Re: Glassfish serialization error involving _at_Remote EJBs (GLASSFISH_15836)

From: Marina Vatkina <marina.vatkina_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2011 09:15:11 -0800


The caused-by exception seems like the classloader mismatch that's
happening in embedded GlassFish container (at least in some flavors of
it) with remote EJBs. It shouldn't happen in regular GF.


Laird Nelson wrote:
> I would like to call the community's attention--particularly that of
> the core Glassfish engineers--to
> http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-15836. I am concerned that this
> runs a little deeper than just a problem with the embedded container.
> I am going to be putting together some tests today to see if the
> problem lies in the embedded container only or if the problem is also
> present in regular Glassfish.
> If I recall correctly, Ken is the CORBA guru there? Maybe something
> obvious will jump out at him from the stack trace?
> Happy Monday everyone,
> Laird