
Re: Odd, odd admin console bug

From: Sudipa Bhattacharya <sudipa.bhattacharya_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 15:46:26 -0800

We tried this scenario in-house but could not reproduce it.
It worked fine on all platforms including Mac.

Richard is right ! Maybe something else in your Mac causing this issue.
Anissa also suggests the same.

According to Anissa, our lead GUI developer:
"Mac is my main machine, this never happens to me. There must be
something going on his machine that crashed his Mac. GUI is not that
powerful :)"

Thanks ,

On 11/12/10 1:43 AM, Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hi Laird
> On 11 November 2010 23:13, Laird Nelson <ljnelson_at_gmail.com
> <mailto:ljnelson_at_gmail.com>> wrote:
> I don't know if this is just my machine and I can't afford to have
> it die again, so could others please try this little sequence,
> particularly those on MacBooks?
> 1. Install build 28.
> 2. Go to the Update Tools (or Update Center, whatever it's
> called) item at the bottom of the left nav tree.
> 3. (I browsed around in the first tab that came up.)
> 4. Click the Available Updates tab
> 5. In my case, the Processing... lightbox came up and hung
> there. The log file was clean.
> Then--and here's the bizarre part--I reloaded
> http://localhost:4848 in that same browser tab, and my Mac
> crashed. Which has never happened before. :-)
> :)
> Firefox 3.6.12. The crash seemed to my uneducated eyes to be
> graphics related: it was preceded by a slow graying of the entire
> screen. I'm suspecting that the lightbox had something to do with it.
> I've filed a bug on this, of course, but I want to see if it's
> reproducible outside of my machine.
> Reminds me of an issue on Windows XP years ago.
> My client phoned me and said when he close my app (Swing app) , he got
> a BSOD.
> It turned out that swing did some direct 3d shutdown on close and his
> ATI driver (signed by Microsoft) had a bug that caused a stack
> overflow in the kernel.
> I am guessing something similar.
> The workaround was update the driver or set some strange flag when
> starting the swing app. Obviously that won't help in your case.
> Quite a few of the Oracle guys run Mac as I recall.
> Maybe they can try reproduce.
> regards
> Richard.