
Re: Deployment of our JEE 5 app on GFv3.1

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <alexis.moussine-pouchkine_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 15:46:28 +0100

Thanks Hong for the details. I can see a blog coming, right Wouter? ;-)

On 2 nov. 2010, at 15:38, Hong Zhang wrote:

>>> Yes, WEB-INF/lib is where the war libraries should be located. This part is
>>> defined by the Servlet spec and did not change.
>>> The main change was the ear root level libraries, the spec clearly defines the
>>> ear library directory for this type of libraries and we should follow the spec.
>> Just one more thing that crossed my mind. Isn't GlassFish v3 supposed to
>> be backward compatible with JEE 5? By the looks of it, it's not since I
>> need to modify my ear to be compliant with JEE 6.
> That's what the "compatibility" property is for. :-) And this is for the product backward compatibility, not for the spec backward compatibility. This behavior was undefined in the spec before.
> These were the two options:
> 1. Use the original ear as it is:
> asadmin deploy --property compatibility=v2 foo.ear
> 2. Repackage the application to be a spec conformed way so it's guaranteed to run on all spec compliant servers.
> - Hong