
Deployment of our JEE 5 app on GFv3.1

From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 09:47:13 +0100

Hi again,

This morning I downloaded build 26 of GFv3.1 and deployed our JEE 5 app
on it. Despite some initial issues with project jars that were included
in the ear, the app now deploys almost ok. I can see our JPA classes
being mapped to the correct tables and views and it all looks ok apart
from one small issue.

We have created a separate jar with some generic database utilities. Our
EJB jar uses those utilities. Upon deployment GlassFish complains about
not being able to find an Exception class that is included in the
utility jar that is included in the EAR. Basically the error logged is

Exception while loading the app : EJB Container initialization error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: nl/yenlo/yos4j/exception/NoActiveDatabaseConnectionException

Would anyone know how to solve this? Or is this a known bug?

Thanks, Wouter

Cloudless everyday you fall upon my waking eyes
inviting and inciting me to rise
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning
[Pink Floyd - Echoes]
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