
Re: Deployment of our JEE5 app on GlassFish v 3.1 build 25

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 09:50:18 +0200

Hi Hong and Wouter

I have also seen similar issues while using PrimeFaces 2.1, but not at
deploy time.

I will look for the build 26.

Below are example logs.


while processing org/primefaces/webapp/filter/FileUploadFilter.class inside
primefaces-2.1 of size 0


while visiting org/primefaces/webapp/filter/FileUploadFilter.class of size 0


while processing org/primefaces/webapp/MultipartRequest.class inside
primefaces-2.1 of size 0


while visiting org/primefaces/webapp/MultipartRequest.class of size 0

On 26 October 2010 19:46, Hong Zhang <hong.hz.zhang_at_oracle.com> wrote:

> Usually the promoted build is available on Wednesday morning. You can try
> with the latest nightly build too if you don't want to wait for the promoted
> build..
> On 10/26/2010 1:42 PM, Wouter van Reeven wrote:
>> Hi Hong,
>> Thanks so much for following up on this. I'll try with the next promoted
>> build. Would you know when it will be available?
>> Thanks, Wouter
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