
Re: Two Lanes Strategy

From: Judy Tang <judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 22:07:14 -0700

Hi Sudhir,

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Sudhir Prabhu wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please delete my name from this mass mailer immediately -- I am in no
> way connected to this project / discussion -- there is a mistake.
> Regards,
> *Sudhir***
> cid:image001.gif@01C9F99A.D260F860 <http://www.oracle.com/>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> P Save Trees. Please do not print this e-mail unless you really need to.
> *From:* Vladimir Perlov [mailto:vladperl_at_hotmail.com]
> *Sent:* 08 July 2010 09:42
> *To:* quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> *Subject:* Two Lanes Strategy
> Hi cats,
> After carefully analysing your responses during the discussion I came
> to conclusion that we need some kind of two lanes strategy.
> There are several reasons to do it:
> 1. Less chance to stuck in traffic :)
> 2. Provide additional options at the same period of time.
> 3. Possibility to target different groups of people
> 4. Possibility to evaluate different motivation schemas
> 5. Possibility to go on different scopes/levels (like in
> programming the same application could use request scope,
> session scope, application scope and even custom scope!)
> In the current context I suggest to organize three scopes.
> 1. "Developer World" -> "application scope"
> 2. "Fishcat Tribe" -> "request scope"
> 3. "Duke Tribe" -> "session scope"
> Both tribes would be collaborate using "developer world"
> infrastructure and policy.
> Dukes tribe should act in manner close to the concept of "left wing"
> and Fishcat tribe should act like a "right wing" group.
> The main goals of the developer world on this stage would be to
> provide for tribes:
> 1. common terminology (tribe, dukes/points, titles, ...)
> 2. common schema to reach people
> 3. the way to share resources
> 4. probably some kind of basic level infrastructure like activity
> tracker, CMS and so on.
> *Fishcat tribe*
> Strategy/scope would be highly dependent from Oracle policy and mostly
> oriented to the following goals:
> "The FishCAT community team strives to keep GlassFish's high quality
> standard and even improve the quality of this world class Enterprise
> technology.
> The community is also committed to helping the GlassFish developers
> execute their roles".
> Motivation policy of the tribe probably will be mostly sticker
> oriented and the only one way to successfully implement it would be to
> artificially rise the value of points/stickers using such approaches
> as signing stickers by influence people, making them pleasure to see,
> provide some kind of collectible/historic meaning with help of such
> things as date, time sensitive symbolic and so on.
> *Duke tribe*
> Strategy/scope would be mostly independent from Oracle policy and
> mostly oriented to the following goals:
> Part directly related to Glassfish:
> 1. Significantly increase the market share of Glassfish
> 2. Significant influence on the strategy of Glassfish
> General strategy/scope should be mostly oriented on developing a new
> kind of economical society.
> Some details:
> The main distinguish characteristic of this society would be
> possibility for all people to easily get, share and distribute the
> "power".
> From some point of view you could think about it as possibility for
> everybody to be some kind of supermen/spiderman. Society will be
> purely web based so spiderman sound more appropriately :)
> Motivation policy of the tribe should be virtual currency oriented and
> because of this duke members will have unlimited ways to be awarded.
> For example dukes as members of the most powerful tribe should be able
> to produce and sale tribe oriented infrastructure to any kind of group
> people. If somebody need to know how many tribes exists today I could
> provide pretty big list of them. There is every kind of them exists in
> our world and all of them need some power to do what they need to do.
> One good example of the tribe would be people with disabilities.
> According to Kristian's point of view there are no right and wrong
> approaches/tribes. So following his statement we have the right to
> create infrastructure also for "dark" kind of people like vampires and
> so on. Of course it's pretty custom kind of stuff so we are going to
> charge them more :) The next level for dukes would be a business to
> build and sell the whole countries.
> I hope nobody is going to call me "traitor" if I will sell a couple
> counties here and there :)
> Sorry if I'm pushing here too much "fun" but I met recently one doctor
> and he said that the company where he is working has lost about 10
> percent of patients for one year only. Taking in account all
> information that I have as insider of healthcare industry I shell say
> that many many people who work in this industry will have soon pretty
> hard time to support itself financially. Considering the fact that USA
> has now more than 800000 doctors it easy to imagine
> how catastrophic for economics of the whole country will be the case
> when this pretty fat industry will go down. We shall provide
> protective layer, for all people who is loosing job
> and struggling financially, as soon as possible. This is the main
> reason why I have started to open the whole concept in this email
> list. I'm sure that everybody here is a smart enough to understand my
> points of view. I have started talking about this kind of stuff with
> people from very different industries and taking in account position
> of everyone. In fact just today I got a "funny" feeling that it's
> possible to accomplished this kind of goal. In my practice when I got
> this kind of feeling everything work out fine.
> I have the several reasons to believe it could be done.
> 1. can convince people to go for it.
> 2. as developer and manager I know enough about what to do and how
> to do.
> 3. have detail plan to start to do it right away.
> 4. know a lot about how to run online business and in many great
> details.
> 5. everybody will get invested interest automatically after
> starting to use the virtual currency.
> It's really the last time I have started this kind of discussion on
> this list.
> For many reasons this place is not very appropriate to hold this kind
> of talk.
> So I'm kind of moving out the stuff related to "duke" tribe aside to
> clear the space for strictly "fishcat" tribe oriented discussions.
> But I really hope that you all will embrace "two lanes" strategy to
> make our future more bright.
> Approximately during one month I should be able to finish in writing
> the document that will present the whole concept in clear form
> understandable for people of many professions. Beside I will have all
> plans and infrastructure's specification in writing to kill any doubts
> that I'm dead serious on it :)
> After that will be done I have a high hope that I will have much
> support from all cats and Glassfish team to build the technological
> ground for the society pretty quickly.
> Ideas and suggestions as always are very welcome!
> If you wish you could right directly to my e-mail: "vladperl at
> hotmail.com".
> Sincerely,
> Vladimir
> P.S. I probably will not be able to respond promptly because I'm
> taking Friday off and going to swim in lake :)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 07:13:04 -0700
> From: judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com
> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> Subject: Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward
> Good idea Richard. We can do that :-)
> FishCAT is simply a Beta testing, so we need to find different ways to
> reach GlassFish users.
> Here are a few places we can send emails to invite, any place else,
> idea please. Thanks!
> users_at_glassfish.dev.java.net <mailto:users_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
> dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net <mailto:dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
> GlassFish in Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin ...
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Richard Kolb wrote:
> Ah, we can add a field in the registration form: Who refereed you to
> FishCAT
> 50 Bonus points for every referral
> On 2 July 2010 10:30, Judy Tang <judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com
> <mailto:judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
> Suggest every one read this email help to recruit 1 FishCAT, we will
> get 50 in no time :-)
> Judy Tang wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I like your planning with very clear goal. This is great. Let's start!
> - To attract and keep more than 50 activity participating independent
> FishCAT members
> - To attract more than 10 application specific Gold members
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Richard Kolb wrote:
> Hi Vladimir
> On 2 July 2010 05:58, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com
> <mailto:vladperl_at_hotmail.com>> wrote:
> >But agreed type don't know GlassFish the full potential of what
> FishCAT can accomplish
> So shell we start some planning to see what we can accomplish?
> Yes, and I think we need to have a modest approach and not a big bang
> approach for now.
> Perhaps we can have more long term goals as well.
> Maybe it doesn't make sense anymore to do some surveys?
> Yes, I don't think so.
> I don't want to send people annoying surveys without a clear strategy
> first.
> (Because FishCAT is not active at the moment)
> How about this short plan:
> July - writing vision, policy, strategy, business model and
> infrastructure specification
> Top down business approach. I like this.
> We already have a focus area, so I would like to keep that.
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=FishCAT2010SecHalf
> *
> *Just some ideas for mission statement and short term vision
> *
> Mission statement :*
> The FishCAT community team strives to keep GlassFish's high quality
> standard and even improve the quality of this world class Enterprise
> technology.
> The community is also committed to helping the GlassFish developers
> execute their roles
> *Short Term Vision :*
> To attract and keep more than 50 activity participating independent
> FishCAT members to passively test GlassFish 3.1 before it is released
> and activity test specific new and existing features. While doing this
> To attract more than 10 application specific Gold members.
> (A gold member is someone who does active testing of specific
> applications or frameworks. EG of frameworks :Vaadin , IceFaces ,
> PrimeFaces EG of Applications Hudson , Apache Archiva etc)
> regards
> Richard.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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