
RE: Two Lanes Strategy

From: Sudhir Prabhu <sudhir.prabhu_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 21:39:15 -0700 (PDT)

Hi All,


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From: Vladimir Perlov [mailto:vladperl_at_hotmail.com]
Sent: 08 July 2010 09:42
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Two Lanes Strategy


Hi cats,

After carefully analysing your responses during the discussion I came to conclusion that we need some kind of two lanes strategy.


There are several reasons to do it:


Less chance to stuck in traffic :)
Provide additional options at the same period of time.
Possibility to target different groups of people
Possibility to evaluate different motivation schemas
Possibility to go on different scopes/levels (like in programming the same application could use request scope, session scope, application scope and even custom scope!)


In the current context I suggest to organize three scopes.


"Developer World" -> "application scope"
"Fishcat Tribe" -> "request scope"
"Duke Tribe" -> "session scope"


Both tribes would be collaborate using "developer world" infrastructure and policy.

Dukes tribe should act in manner close to the concept of "left wing" and Fishcat tribe should act like a "right wing" group.

The main goals of the developer world on this stage would be to provide for tribes:


common terminology (tribe, dukes/points, titles, ...)
common schema to reach people
the way to share resources
probably some kind of basic level infrastructure like activity tracker, CMS and so on.


Fishcat tribe


Strategy/scope would be highly dependent from Oracle policy and mostly oriented to the following goals:

"The FishCAT community team strives to keep GlassFish's high quality standard and even improve the quality of this world class Enterprise technology.

The community is also committed to helping the GlassFish developers execute their roles".


Motivation policy of the tribe probably will be mostly sticker oriented and the only one way to successfully implement it would be to artificially rise the value of points/stickers using such approaches as signing stickers by influence people, making them pleasure to see, provide some kind of collectible/historic meaning with help of such things as date, time sensitive symbolic and so on.


Duke tribe


Strategy/scope would be mostly independent from Oracle policy and mostly oriented to the following goals:


Part directly related to Glassfish:

Significantly increase the market share of Glassfish
Significant influence on the strategy of Glassfish


General strategy/scope should be mostly oriented on developing a new kind of economical society.


Some details:

The main distinguish characteristic of this society would be possibility for all people to easily get, share and distribute the "power".

From some point of view you could think about it as possibility for everybody to be some kind of supermen/spiderman. Society will be purely web based so spiderman sound more appropriately :)

Motivation policy of the tribe should be virtual currency oriented and because of this duke members will have unlimited ways to be awarded. For example dukes as members of the most powerful tribe should be able to produce and sale tribe oriented infrastructure to any kind of group people. If somebody need to know how many tribes exists today I could provide pretty big list of them. There is every kind of them exists in our world and all of them need some power to do what they need to do. One good example of the tribe would be people with disabilities.

According to Kristian's point of view there are no right and wrong approaches/tribes. So following his statement we have the right to create infrastructure also for "dark" kind of people like vampires and so on. Of course it's pretty custom kind of stuff so we are going to charge them more :) The next level for dukes would be a business to build and sell the whole countries.

I hope nobody is going to call me "traitor" if I will sell a couple counties here and there :)

Sorry if I'm pushing here too much "fun" but I met recently one doctor and he said that the company where he is working has lost about 10 percent of patients for one year only. Taking in account all information that I have as insider of healthcare industry I shell say that many many people who work in this industry will have soon pretty hard time to support itself financially. Considering the fact that USA has now more than 800000 doctors it easy to imagine how catastrophic for economics of the whole country will be the case when this pretty fat industry will go down. We shall provide protective layer, for all people who is loosing job and struggling financially, as soon as possible. This is the main reason why I have started to open the whole concept in this email list. I'm sure that everybody here is a smart enough to understand my points of view. I have started talking about this kind of stuff with people from very different industries and taking in account position of everyone. In fact just today I got a "funny" feeling that it's possible to accomplished this kind of goal. In my practice when I got this kind of feeling everything work out fine.

I have the several reasons to believe it could be done.


can convince people to go for it.
as developer and manager I know enough about what to do and how to do.
have detail plan to start to do it right away.
know a lot about how to run online business and in many great details.
everybody will get invested interest automatically after starting to use the virtual currency.


It's really the last time I have started this kind of discussion on this list.

For many reasons this place is not very appropriate to hold this kind of talk.

So I'm kind of moving out the stuff related to "duke" tribe aside to clear the space for strictly "fishcat" tribe oriented discussions.

But I really hope that you all will embrace "two lanes" strategy to make our future more bright.


Approximately during one month I should be able to finish in writing the document that will present the whole concept in clear form understandable for people of many professions. Beside I will have all plans and infrastructure's specification in writing to kill any doubts that I'm dead serious on it :)

After that will be done I have a high hope that I will have much support from all cats and Glassfish team to build the technological ground for the society pretty quickly.


Ideas and suggestions as always are very welcome!

If you wish you could right directly to my e-mail: "vladperl at hotmail.com".





P.S. I probably will not be able to respond promptly because I'm taking Friday off and going to swim in lake :)



Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 07:13:04 -0700
From: judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

Good idea Richard. We can do that :-)

FishCAT is simply a Beta testing, so we need to find different ways to reach GlassFish users.
Here are a few places we can send emails to invite, any place else, idea please. Thanks!

HYPERLINK "mailto:users_at_glassfish.dev.java.net"users_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
HYPERLINK "mailto:dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net"dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
GlassFish in Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin ...


Richard Kolb wrote:

Ah, we can add a field in the registration form: Who refereed you to FishCAT
50 Bonus points for every referral

On 2 July 2010 10:30, Judy Tang <HYPERLINK "mailto:judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com"judy.j.tang_at_oracle.com> wrote:

Suggest every one read this email help to recruit 1 FishCAT, we will get 50 in no time :-)

Judy Tang wrote:

Hi Richard,

I like your planning with very clear goal. This is great. Let's start!

- To attract and keep more than 50 activity participating independent FishCAT members
- To attract more than 10 application specific Gold members


Richard Kolb wrote:

Hi Vladimir

On 2 July 2010 05:58, Vladimir Perlov <HYPERLINK "mailto:vladperl_at_hotmail.com"vladperl_at_hotmail.com> wrote:


>But agreed type don't know GlassFish the full potential of what FishCAT can accomplish


So shell we start some planning to see what we can accomplish?

Yes, and I think we need to have a modest approach and not a big bang approach for now.
Perhaps we can have more long term goals as well.


Maybe it doesn't make sense anymore to do some surveys?

Yes, I don't think so.
I don't want to send people annoying surveys without a clear strategy first.
(Because FishCAT is not active at the moment)

How about this short plan:


July - writing vision, policy, strategy, business model and infrastructure specification

Top down business approach. I like this.
We already have a focus area, so I would like to keep that.

Just some ideas for mission statement and short term vision

Mission statement :
The FishCAT community team strives to keep GlassFish's high quality standard and even improve the quality of this world class Enterprise technology.
The community is also committed to helping the GlassFish developers execute their roles
Short Term Vision :
To attract and keep more than 50 activity participating independent FishCAT members to passively test GlassFish 3.1 before it is released and activity test specific new and existing features. While doing this

To attract more than 10 application specific Gold members.
(A gold member is someone who does active testing of specific applications or frameworks. EG of frameworks :Vaadin , IceFaces , PrimeFaces EG of Applications Hudson , Apache Archiva etc)








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