
Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

From: Richard Kolb <rjdkolb_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 09:52:24 +0200

On 1 July 2010 06:15, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com> wrote:

> > - Then again, you immediately end up with a problem of
> > making things "measurable" again. How much does it cost to fix an
> > issue you reported, according to some official support billing
> > conditions?
> This is excellent question you rise here.
> The first of all like in offline life with the regular money we don't have
> to put strict price tags on everything. We will provide just some kind of
> guidelines regarding prices to help people to start doing business. Remember
> you talked about "focusing" testing to implement it. Judy as testing manager
> could rise the prices for bugs in areas where she needs to do it.
> The second pretty important thing to take in account that our virtual
> currency will work in the same time as currency and as some kind of public
> shares. In fact the dukes will be superior comparing to regular money and
> regular shares because of two reasons.
> The first reason is that a real value of "soft"/online things constantly in
> movement up and down and no way for regular currency to keep up with it.
> After all value of regular currency depends from government and common
> financial politics of the state with out direct dependence from things that
> going on in online world. The second reason is related to how shares are
> working.
> In ideal situation shares suppose to represent a real value for the company
> who issued them, but in fact this model is failing all time in this regard.
> It failed because there is no real mechanism to properly define value of the
> particular company. As opposite dukes value will adjust automatically when
> situation is changed. One day you could buy advice for two dukes and another
> day you could have it for just one duke because more people joined to forum
> and interesting in dukes way of doing business.

I like this idea. It has possibilities and sounds like fun :)

> conditions? How much "virtual money" are you capable of earning doing
> > open source work? How much, in example, does "virtual money"
> > represent in terms of value compared to, say, an hour of work you
> > spent, billed and got paid for "in offline life"? If, by then, you
> > end up with earning, say, 10 dukes for filing a qualified bug report
> > and you know that, talking about mission critical support, fixing an
> > issue costs (the virtual-money-equivalent-of-) 500 dukes, you have
> > quite some way to go to get meaningful results out of that.
> In perspective market "owned" by dukes will be much bigger than market of
> USA or Germany :)
> Just calculate how much value have all information based products such as
> software, online services, design, music, movie and many other things. Plus
> no taxes, no exchange rates between different currencies and so on.
> I'm pretty serious here. For example take exactly one hundred a good
> developers and they potentially could create pretty quickly a huge value.
> The more value developers produce the more stronger online currency will
> become. So looks like we will need to be ready to produce plenty of the
> dukes :) Why we need to use bucks if we can create much better currency
> ourself.
> > and detail level of bug reports to be posted, ...). Would you be
> > capable of, in example, postpone any other project work if FishCAT
> > required you to rebuild GlassFish and perform some relevant test
> > _immediately_ to get a meaningful reward in terms of "virtual money"?
> That is main the goal on this stage to make situation that will allow Judy
> or somebody else from Oracle to be able to use dukes in amount that is
> enough to get things done promptly. I see win-win situation here.
> > I am not sure whether / how FishCAT in terms of Oracle organizational
> > structures is strong enough to, about that, establish a meaningful
> > environment for such a model, or whether it would be better to keep
> > things separated, to know the people involved with FishCAT are all kind
> > and friendly and doing the best they can to help you out in times of
> > need, knowing that in the end, given mission-critical requirements and
> > deadlines, it's all about a professional SLA and money? I am not sure
> > about that, honestly... Judy? ;)
> I'm sure there is no established politics in place from Oracle side
> regarding Fishcat status.
> It's understandable after all they just don't know what we will be able to
> accomplish.
> We should just start to do some experiments and move forward.
> Judy and Glassfish team will have a time to decide how to proceed further.
> But we should keep initiative here and try to push them to accept our
> business model :)
> Judy, in case there is a some kind of clearly defined policy from Oracle
> side regarding Fishcat activities please let us know.

I think there is something like this.
I would persnonally like to improve FishCAT to be 'better' wing of GlassFish
The initial request for questions had an explicit scope. With this scope we
can already bump up FishCAT to a new level.

But agreed I don't the GlassFish know the full potential of what FishCAT can

