
RE: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

From: Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:46:44 +0000

Hi Richard,

>We must still prove that FishCAT is that valuable.That is exactly is reason why I quote Seth Godin's blog in my letter.
"you're handing over too much power to someone who doesn't care nearly as much as you do."
>I've been looking at NetBeans and how it does things. There is no real reward system.
This is the main award for us to be the first who will implement the real reward system for developers :)
>Maybe we can start something like this. Even if I have to buy a T-Shirt for the top performers every quarter myself.
"I am designer from Latvia, 21 years young and totally obsessed with design trends, developing web-sites using CSS, HTML, xhtml, WordPress and designing at Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks. At this site I will try to make your life easier as web-developer, designer or freelancer and hopefully we will learn together. And yes, that’s me in that picture, thought You might be interested who’s running this site."
The man described above is the owner of "www.1stwebdesigner.com". In one year from date he started website he got 400000 visitors per month. And that time he was a student and work mostly alone.If we will be able to make some valuable traffic, people will be sell T-Shirt as way to get more dukes :)After all I'm sure we can ask Dainis directly for advice how to quickly organize the traffic. In fact he already described the whole process.Also we probably will have a chance to ask Seth Godin for moral support and get some advices. You know he is very proficient on this matter.By the way he is scanning his name regularly on internet :)
>Once we have this going maybe we can move towards your model.
We could do that but when you are building software system you usually right away trying to make it able to scale.Maybe we should wait for Kristian feedback to see what starting point he would choose.
>Your thoughts ? Sorry I may have taken some wind out of your sails... I really like your ideas.
I really glad that you like the ideas. This is the most important thing to know!I was thinking about it more than two years. And I should say I made some serious efforts to find some miscalculations in the model but I can't.Looks like we need to build it in case to find them :) Honestly I pretty much scaled back when I said about Java world. I was trying do not scare you too much :)Everything that I already described is only the third part of the whole system that I have in my mind. Spending a couple thousands hours for related research seems is enough to start acting. I'm developer and I know exactly what to do and how to do to build a new kind of society.I can bring on board several more people but it's not enough to put it in motion.Everybody not sure if it will works or not. It's always this way if you are starting something new. The people I mention above will be ready to participate if you and Kristian will say "YES". Of course everybody including myself will be able to participate only in part-time mode.Keep in mind that we still have a few years of advantage before somebody else will start doing it.
After we will start a real planning all your doubts will be gone instantly that for sure.
You and Kristian are both pretty much looks like people who Godin called "linchpin".Please see the following link to understand what is mean:
In fact Kristian have mentioned about this kind of people in his letters.
Participating of linchpins is a warranty of success.
Thank you,Vladimir
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 16:10:41 +0200
From: rjdkolb_at_gmail.com
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Request for comments : FishCAT, the way forward

Hi Vladimir

On 28 June 2010 15:47, Vladimir Perlov <vladperl_at_hotmail.com> wrote:

>What sort of questions would you ask ?The main question is their opinion regarding introducing strong awarding/motivation schema.But before we send them survey we need to define our politics more clearly.

I have been thinking a lot about your blog.
It is a very good idea, but not so sure we can go there just yet. We must still prove that FishCAT is that valuable.

I've been looking at NetBeans and how it does things. There is no real reward system.

Basically 'Useful issue reports are ones that get issues fixed !' , i.e. your reward is something fixed

I've also been looking at Duke Dollars. http://developers.sun.com/forums/dukedollars.html

Maybe we can start something like this. Even if I have to buy a T-Shirt for the top performers every quarter myself.
Once we have this going maybe we can move towards your model.

Your thoughts ? Sorry I may have taken some wind out of your sails... I really like your ideas.


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