
Re: JSF 2, an implementation that works and looks pretty

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 11:11:14 -0800

"Richard got me going with GFv3 and Maven.", I know, he got every one going :-)

"So I put together a little demo that uses PrimeFaces and it works like a charm", we like to see this kind email a lot,
thanks Wouter for letting us know what works for you!


Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> Hi Cats,
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 09:47:40AM +0200, Richard Kolb wrote:
>> (2) PrimeFaces 2.0.0 RC does not work in GlassFish 3. (I think there is a
>> bug logged) - Is it a GlassFish bug or not? If yes, please give bug number,
>> I can help follow up.
>> I think this is a Primefaces issue. There is something that JSF2 does not like
>> with Primefaces.
>> You can try it out. http://www.primefaces.org/downloads.html (sample wars are
>> at the bottom)
> Richard got me going with GFv3 and Maven. So I put together a little
> demo that uses PrimeFaces and it works like a charm! I will put it on my
> website tonight and will write a blog on how I got it to work.
> Greets, Wouter