
Re: Fwd: [Issue 11388] [other] [embedded] Unable to get basic unit test working in Maven

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 02:52:58 -0800

Thanks Wouter and Richard, it is very good discussion, we should think
more topics like this to discuss in quality alias :-)

Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 02:06:24AM -0800, Judy Tang wrote:
>> Thanks Richard. This is a great example. Woulter also said he uses TDD.
>> Would be interest to hear from more cats, fishes on TDD experience :-)
>> Does the initial development cycle becomes longer, how much longer? Any
>> special tool for TDD?
> Yes the initial development cycle becomes longer since you need to set
> up the testing infrastructure and create all the unit tests. This it the
> most important argument why developers tend not to do TDD. The short
> term influence is readily visible but the long term influence (it *does*
> save lots of time eventually) is not! The reason why it saves time is
> that a good code coverage with unit tests will show any failing code if
> any change is made immediately.
> There are no special tools needed to do TDD. NetBeans and Eclipse both
> support JUnit and TestNG, the most popular frameworks for TDD in Java
> land. the only thing needed is the right mindset of all the developers.
> Wouter