
Re: Glassfish V3 release download capacity

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <pelegri_at_sun.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 07:31:31 -0800

Thanks for the offer, but the download center at Sun is set up to handle
very large loads because the JRE d/ls can be very high. The system uses
different ways to handle loads and I think we will be OK.

The download center is used in both the Sun distribution and the
Java.Net distribution. The bottleneck could be the front pages at
Java.net, so, if you wanted, you could add a link to the
http://www.java.net/download/... pages.

And, on that note, it seems there was some miscommunication somewhere
and the Java.Net bits are not yet out :-( People working on it.

The Sun.Com bits where out a bit after 6am (PST). Download page is

        - eduard/o

Barry van Someren wrote:
> Hi,
> With the Glassfish V3 Launch coming up today, I'm wondering how long
> I'll be queuing up for the download (java.net has been tragic from
> this side of the planet when it comes to download speeds). Is it okay
> to download the V3 releases and put them up for download?
> I'd be happy to serve as a public mirror to do something back for this
> great community.
> Regards,
> Barry