
Glassfish V3 release download capacity

From: Barry van Someren <barry_at_coffeesprout.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:41:31 +0100


With the Glassfish V3 Launch coming up today, I'm wondering how long
I'll be queuing up for the download (java.net has been tragic from
this side of the planet when it comes to download speeds). Is it okay
to download the V3 releases and put them up for download?
I'd be happy to serve as a public mirror to do something back for this
great community.



Barry van Someren
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/barryvansomeren
Skype: BvsomerenSprout
Blog: http://blog.bvansomeren.com
KvK: 27317624
+31 (0)6-81464338