
Re: REVIEW REQUESTED: GlassFish v3 Release Notes

From: Kim Haase <Camilla.Haase_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 2009 16:31:53 -0500

Some additional comments on a couple of these, Gail --

On 12/06/09 02:05, Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi Gail,
> Following is my comment for the release notes. Most of that applies to
> the Known Issues section.
> This section really needs the initial evaluator to confirm for you that
> the issue still exists, especially those filed many months ago. I
> commented on a few which i know or i can try that out myself. But
> there are still quite a few that needs to be looked at by others.
> pg 11. Update Tool Integration
> /This tool provides automated updates, and facilitates managing add-on
> components
> and related applications that are available for extending Enterprise
> Server v3 functions.
> /
> UpdateTool in admin console will NOT provide updates. It allows you to
> install additional components, which will then be available after server
> restart. Installed Components and available updates will be provided
> for "view" only. User cannot update or remove any components when
> server is running. Thus , this operation cannot be preformed in Admin
> Console. Even if using the standalone updatetool, server must be
> stopped for this operation.

Right, it might be more accurate to say that Update Tool is partially
integrated into the Admin Console. To update or remove installed
components you have to use the standalone command-line version.

> pg 12. Support for Scripting Languages
> /- jMaki: A framework for creating Ajax web applications
> Support for these scripting languages is provided by components that are
> available through
> Update Tool.
> /I don't think there is any component specific for jMaki./ /Please
> confirm with other developer.

"jMaki" is in the list of Available Add-Ons in the Admin Console.