
[FishCAT]A problem with JMS Resource Wizard

From: Tong Jun <tongjun_at_cn.fujitsu.com>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 10:42:40 +0900


When I use JMS Resource Wizard, I find a problem.
Detail steps are as following.
1. Creat a new workspace.
2. Creat a Dynamic Web Project.
3. Creat a JDBC Resouce(New->GlassFish->JDBC Resource)
4. Creat JMS Resource(New->GlassFish->JMS Resource), If select
    "JMS Resource" and click "Next" button, has no response. If double
    click "JMS Resource", an error dialog occurs. Now if select JDBC
    the same thing happens.
Error dialog refers to attachment "ErrorDialog.gif".
Detail log refers to attachment ".log".

This maybe cause confusion to users, can you confirm if it is a bug.

Tong Jun

(image/gif attachment: ErrorDialog.gif)