
Re: Validation does not work on Logger Settings page (b74)

From: K K. <kana.akmt_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 00:01:00 +0900

Hi Anissa,

Thanks for lokking into an issue.
I filed logger bug quoting your message.


Have a good holiday !


2009/11/27 Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_sun.com>:
> Hi Kana,
> Thanks for the screenshot.
> I looked into this, and see 2 issues here.
> 1. During initialization, the logger code didn't  expect 'Flush Frequency'
> to be non numeric and didn't catch the exception,
> [#|2009-11-27T01:10:06.705-0800|WARNING|null|org.jvnet.hk2.osgimain|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=FelixStartLevel;|Exception
> while starting bundle com.sun.enterprise.osgi-adapter [130]
> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Activator start error in bundle
> com.sun.enterprise.osgi-adapter [130].
> ....
> Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "abc"
> at
> java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
> This is the main cause that the server cannot start.
> 2. Another issue is the logger handler:
> When i start this using 'asadmin start-domain', I see this onscreen.
> The logger code cannot find the log hander  "abc" , thus getting this error:
>     Can't load log handler "abc"
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: abc
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: abc
>     at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:200)
> However, the server actually starts.
> As for other attributes,  yes, they are wrong, but not as critical as these
> 2.
> GUI missed to do client side validation and thus passes whatever info user
> enters to the logger code.  We will fix this after v3.
> But the logger code itself needs to be more 'error-proof' and should handle
> the cases better.
> Please file a  'logger' bug  so  Carla can address this.
> thanks
> Anissa
> K. K. wrote:
> Hi Anissa,
> Here'a a screenshot:
> http://www.maltora.com/glassfish/logger.jpg
> And yes, after stopping the server, I cannot start/restart it again.
> Kana
> Hi Kana,
> Thanks for letting us know. Can you tell me which field you changed
> and the value you use ?
> Those values are not dynamically configured, see
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11142,
> so you are seeing that once server stopped, you cannot start the server
> again ?
> thanks
> Anissa
> K. K. wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried build b74 (glassfish-v3-web-b74-windows.exe) and found a new(?) bug.
> (Don't know wheter it could be a show stopper)
> ---
> 1. From Admin GUI --> Logger Settings page, input invalid values into
> fields.
> 2. Click [Save], andthose values be "successfully saved." without alert.
> Values be written into logging.properties under domain's config
> directory.
> 3. After saving those invalid values, glassfish will not be launched.
> ---
> Kana
> Hi All,
> Promote build b74 is out. This is v3 release candidate build.
> If you have some time, please use this build to verify your bugs
> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/v3/fishcat-v3-sep2009-sl.html>.
> For new bugs unless show stopper will be fixed in next release.
> Here, a total of 37 bugs
> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/buglist.cgi?issue_type=DEFECT&
> component=glassfish&issue_status=RESOLVED&resolution=FIXED&version=V3&
> email1=
> &emailtype1=exact&emailassigned_to1=1&email2=&emailtype2=exact&
> emailreporter2
> =1&issueidtype=include&issue_id=&changedin=&votes=&chfield=resolution&
> chfieldfrom=2009-11-20&chfieldto=2009-11-25&chfieldvalue=FIXED&short_desc=
> &
> short_desc_type=fulltext&long_desc=&long_desc_type=fulltext&issue_file_loc
> =&
> issue_file_loc_type=fulltext&status_whiteboard=&status_whiteboard_type=
> fulltext&keywords=&keywords_type=anytokens&field0-0-0=noop&type0-0-0=noop&
> value0-0-0=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&Submit+query=
> Submit+query>
> got fixed since last promoted build.
> *[1] Where to get build b74 web distribution:*
> glassfish-v3-web-b74-unix.sh <http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/
> promoted/
> glassfish-v3-web-b74-unix.sh>
> glassfish-v3-web-b74-windows.exe <http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/
> promoted/glassfish-v3-web-b74-windows.exe>
> glassfish-v3-web-b74.zip <http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/
> glassfish-v3-web-b74.zip>
> *[2] Where to get build b74 full distribution:*
> glassfish-v3-b74-unix.sh <http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/
> glassfish-v3-b74-unix.sh>
> glassfish-v3-b74-windows.exe <http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/
> promoted/
> glassfish-v3-b74-windows.exe>
> glassfish-v3-b74.zip <http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/
> glassfish-v3-b74.zip>
> Thanks !
> Judy
> Here my favorite FishCAT post card, Happy Thanksgiving to every one !
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ---html-part included links-------
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/v3/fishcat-v3-sep2009-sl.html
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/buglist.cgi?issue_type=DEFECT&amp;
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> amp;issue_id=&amp;changedin=&amp;votes=&amp;chfield=resolution&amp;
> chfieldfrom=2009-11-20&amp;chfieldto=2009-11-25&amp;chfieldvalue=FIXED&
> amp;
> short_desc=&amp;short_desc_type=fulltext&amp;long_desc=&amp;long_desc_type
> =
> fulltext&amp;issue_file_loc=&amp;issue_file_loc_type=fulltext&amp;
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> 0-0
> =&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&amp;Submit+query
> =
> Submit+query
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-web-b74-unix.
> sh
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-web-b74-
> windows.
> exe
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-web-b74.zip
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-b74-unix.sh
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-b74-windows.
> exe
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-b74.zip
> With regards,
> -----------------------------------
> ** Gem Beads and Silver Orumail **
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> For additional commands, e-mail: quality-help_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
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Kana. Kotake
Blog: http://apercu-j.blogspot.com/
Twitter: kana_o